Monday, 22 August 2016

Original Beans Esmeraldas Milk 42%

Arriba cocoa beans from the Esmeraldas rainforests in Ecuador, more specifically the Pacific Cloudforest
The flavour was cocoa rich, milky, fudge, delicious. It had a berry brightness to it, and later online I read "red summer fruit", so that was real

The ingredients are good, and always good with Original Beans: direct-trade cacao beans*, cacao butter*, raw cane sugar*, milk*, fleur de sel - *organic

This 42% milk chocolate is a really good, a really, really, really good milk chocolate. I have had 2 bars of it in a week


  1. Hey!
    I've just stumbled upon your blog and I love it. I'm new to the world of craft chocolate and I am astounded by people's ability to recognize very specific notes in a bar. How do you learn to do that? For example, I can only say that I sense something fruity, while other will call it black cherry or pineapple.
    Anyway, thank you for your reviews, they are fun way to learn about some new chocolates :)

    1. Incredibly late response, apologies.
      However, thank you for taking time to comment!
      I hope you have developed ability to say what specific notes you are picking up? It is a skill that slowly develops!
